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[ 作者:非高手[转贴]    转贴自:http://www.51tennis.com/cgi-bin/bbs1/dispbbs.asp?boardid=113&id;=11166☆=1#139803    点击数:142    更新时间:2004-11-14    文章录入:admin ]

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In principle any racquet can be strung using one piece of string, but to maximize the life of your racquet the cross strings should always be strung from the head to the throat (during stringing the frame is deformed and because the throat is more stable the deformation is not as high). So for some racquets it is necessary to string and tie the mains and crosses separately (-> 4 knots).

原文:Now how do you know which method you should apply to a foreign racquet? You have to know two things: first the total number of main strings in the racquet, second the number of main strings that are in the throat. Use one-piece stringing if the racquet has 16 mains and 8 among them in the throat, or 18 mains and 6 among them in the throat. Use two-piece stringing if the racquet has 16 mains and 6 among them in the throat, or 18 mains and 8 among them in the throat.

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