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  Tennis Racquets       ★★★★★
Tennis Racquets
[ 作者:Jens Barthelmes    转贴自:http://www.http://www.stringforum.net/    点击数:342    更新时间:2004-11-14    文章录入:admin ]

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Tennis Racquets

This page contains tips for stringing different racquet types.

    You don't need a printed stringing pattern for every racquet to be able to string it. If you consult my stringing guide you can save the money for an expensive stringing manual. On this page I'd like to give information about some special racquet types.

Oversize Racquets

    Tennis racquets have constantly increased in size since their invention. Mainly recreational players favor the oversize racquets because they have a larger sweetspot and offer more power than midsize or midplus racquets. There are only two things you have to consider when stringing an oversize racquet (>110 sq.in.):

  • you need more string (38-40' = 12m).
  • you need higher tension. As the string tension is distributed on a larger area it has to be balanced by increasing the stringing weight (+2 to 4 lbs. = 1 to 2 kg). My suggestion: 28/27 or 29/28 kg (= 62/60 or 64/62 lbs).


    Widebodies are racquets with an extremely wide frame profile, thus featuring a maximum of comfort through reduction of frame vibrations. Such racquets are also popular among recreational players, above all among seniors. Most Widebodies are also Oversize racquets. In addition consider that:

  • you need even higher tension to equalize the additional power created by the frame stiffness. Suggestion: 29/28 kg (= 64/62 lbs).
  • there's an enormous stress on the string implied by the frame so you should only use quite durable strings (diameter no less than 1.30mm)
  • eventually you have to adjust your mounting system to be able to mount wide frames

Racquets with staggered grommets

    A recent development are raquets with staggered grommets to increase the sweetspot. Stringing those racquets stays the same like stringing any other racquet, but you have to take care of some things:

  • when weaving the cross strings they have to force the main strings into one level. So you always have to take the "hardest" way.
  • when pulling the cross strings there is especially high friction so you have to make sure that the cross strings don't always run at the same spots because there's the danger of cutting into the main strings.

General notes on racquets

    Every racquet has grommets made of synthetics to guard the strings. With older racquets it's possible that the grommets are worn at some spots. Particularly the grommets of the outer mains are delicate. Once a grommet is damaged so that the string gets in touch with a sharp edge of the frame you should immediately exchange the grommets. Temporarily you can also use a string tubing to protect the string.
    The racquet frame is exposed to an enormous stress during the stringing process. Upon improper handling you can destroy your racquet. Thus you have to secure your frame in a balanced way and tight enough without damaging it. Also you have to perform each step of the stringing process in such a way that you minimize the stress on the frame and grommets.
    Just with your awl you can easily damage your racquet. Make sure not to damage the grommets when inserting the awl. Neither insert the awl too hard into the grommet because that could cause subtle cracks in the frame which can grow larger with time and can even cause your frame to break at last.

© Jens Barthelmes

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