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  给大拍面(>110 sq.in.)球拍穿线时需要注意的一个问题       ★★★★★
给大拍面(>110 sq.in.)球拍穿线时需要注意的一个问题
[ 作者:Jens Barthelmes(翻译 夏日)    转贴自:http://www.51tennis.com/cgi-bin/bbs1/index.asp    点击数:353    更新时间:2004-11-14    文章录入:admin ]

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发贴心情 给大拍面(>110 sq.in.)球拍穿线时需要注意的一个问题



Tennis racquets have constantly increased in size since their invention. Mainly recreational players favor the oversize racquets because they have a larger sweetspot and offer more power than midsize or midplus racquets. There are only two things you have to consider when stringing an oversize racquet (>110 sq.in.):

  • you need more string (38-40' = 12m).
  • you need higher tension. As the string tension is distributed on a larger area it has to be balanced by increasing the stringing weight (+2 to 4 lbs. = 1 to 2 kg). My suggestion: 28/27 or 29/28 kg (= 62/60 or 64/62 lbs).

 上一篇文章: Tennis Racquets
 下一篇文章: Stringing Guide
  • Tennis Strings[115]

  • Tennis Racquets[350]

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